Monday, February 18, 2019

Very early planting calendar



New plantings:

Plans & Dreams
Zone 1 Kuan Yi garden

Some weeding. Pruned a tiny bit. sedum morganianum or Burro’s tail name of hanging cactus. Passion vine & monarchs. (Trim after blooming.) Bougainvillea. Macho fern or Fishtail fern nephrolepsis biserrata.
Hung orchid outside window.
Put coleus in planters there
Ladder? Clean up? Planting outside window
Zone 2 Left garden
Weeding. Daylilies bloomed all month beautifully in peach. “Sapphire showers” Duranta by door.
10 to 20’ tall. Bloom spring-fall. Foxtail fern
Caladiums & coleus coming up. Purple duranta around door doing OK.Bloom Time:
Late Summer/Early Fall
Bare center strip?
Zone 3 Right garden

May 23 weed ate the tops off the mimosa. Looks nice. Orange tree OK. “Sapphire showers” duranta by door.

Beds messy
City strip

Weeding around mimosa. Golden dewdrop ‘Cuban Gold’ Flor Celeste is holding its own. 2-4’. Blooms spring-fall? Butterfly cassia,10-12’. Fall bloom.
Vincas pooped out totally. Butterfly cassia OK. Society garlic struggling. Duranta struggling.
Mimosa fill in.
Zone 4 Sunflower garden

Keep that sunflower hacked back.
Sedum rupestre
Maybe plant some purple queen there? Or blue porterweed?
Zone 5 Backdoor path,
lemon tree & roses

Blue porterweed coming back. Daylilies bloomed nicely.
Coleus. Sedum rupestre

Zone 6 sunny backyard

Blueberries struggling along ago. Green beans & peas perished. Dark angel dahlia, dahlia hybrid. Blooms summer to fall, full sunn, 12”.
Dark angel dahlia:heather on each side; coleus on each side; purple queen on each side.
Incredibly beautiful hibiscus in center.
Very nice little garden coming along: dahlia, heather, coleus & purple queen. Sweet.
Sedum rupuestre underneath hibiscus.

Zone 6 Shady
Cardboard fern? Zamia furfuracea. 4”. Making come back. Sanseveria trifecta (mother in law’s tongue)
Caladiums coming up. Set up birdbath
Garage mess


To Do List, 2019

Spring:  Weed the baby oak trees. Wilcox Nursery: buy passion vine,
Late summer: Order wildflower seeds.

Prune the Ganges Primrose
Here's the deal with this stuff.  This year, I intend to establish Ganga beds instead of letting it walk all over.  It grows by putting out shoots, at a terrific rate, blooming its head off, and then, when its established itself nicely in a node at the other end of the shoot, that shoot turns to a hideous bony white skeletal stem.  I intend in the future to establish actual beds for it, surround it with some clean dirt for growing space, and then keeping it pruned back before the blooming season.  I got the most fantastic blooms off the Ganga I heavily pruned (attempting to make it into the topiary of a lion.) So: bed, mulch, prune.

Zone 1
  • prune bamboo
Zone 2
  • prune tree near house - done 2/27
  • prune blue porterweed - done 2/27
  • weed & top wedelia - done 2/27
  • move variegated sanseveria 
Zone 3
  • start weeding out grass and - back Ganges primrose to make room for new plant beds
Zone 4
  • Monthly composting!
Zone 5
  • To widen path or not. To plant anew or not. To order new day lilies or not.
Zone 6
  • Ready new plants to take the place of the pansies, when they begin to fade.
Zone 7
  • Plant palm tree against garage? Plant milkweed bed? Ready other plants? 2/27/19 made a start!
Zone 8
  • Check if new planting of caladium bulbs are needed. Other than that, I am happy with this bed. It is no longer a work in progress! I can just enjoy it.