These plants are super easy to start from cuttings, so keep them always on the go:
coleus -- I only have the frilly variety right now.
persian shield
iresine or chicken gizzard or BIBLICAL PURPLE ST> Alternanthera “little ruby” aka Joseph’s Coat
native porterweed
native blue porterweed
Purple fountain grass
Propagate with 90% perlite 10% peat moss, rooting hormone
Whiskers Deep Rose Gaura, beautiful color, delicate flowers, perennial,
Plants of yesterday:
rhoeo tricolor. Front yard companion planting for Christmas palm. Loving it. 2017. Dead by 2019.
Cosmos. 2016, I sprinkled a "wildflower" mix in the front yard and what came up was lovely orange cosmos. I saved the seeds and replanted in 2017, but they've come up on their own too very generously. I purchased a purple cosmos from Home Depot in the hopes that I can get a rainbow mix.
ageratum came along as a weed from Twig and Leaf when I bought a beautyberry. It's blooming beautifully -- hope it survives today. I savagely repotted it, taking it out of the beautyberry pot.
alyssum, white in front -- Not long for this world? 2012 : no sign of it.
angelonia angustifolia -- Looking great in the backyard! I planted it yesterday. 2/12. It's an annual, so 5/16 I've planted angelonia archangel again, in the bright pots that flank the sidewalk. 6 hours of sun a day, a big dry. "Don't plant in standard topsoil." I wonder that means. Esp here in Florida.
bromeliads, miniature. They're not miniature any more.
tradescantia pallida purple queen sun
Ganges primrose
Cactus: I now have a wide variety of cactus and they look great on their baker's display rack. pencil; sedum morganianum or burro's tail; Kind of killed burro's tail when I repotted it. 2017. The burro's tail I got last year is thriving where it gets a lot of water from the sprinkler, and has even produced a baby through dropping a leaf.
Flowers & plants:
bird's nest fern . Epiphyte, hanging in basket outside my window. Recently divided this into 3, and moved it to where it gets more water. 2017, doing very well.
chrysanthemum. Had a nice season 2011. 2013, bought some beauties, doing very well. EVEN I TIRED OF THEM AFTER AWHILE -- JUST DWINDLED DOWN. BUT A VERY RELIABLE YELLOW FLOWER. Get BIG mums, not those little weanie ones. They take forever to deadhead.
coleus. Garnet still beautiful. 2013, didn't survive winter. 2016, very beautiful batch, 2017, starting more from cuttings.
beach daisy. You need a whip & a chair to deal with this plant. 2014. They are all over the front lawn. Died back in winter. 2016, again, all over the front yard. There must be some way to enjoy them. 2017, I will allow them ONE CLUMP, and plan on hacking them to size.
purple daisy, osteospermum hybrid, a great bloomer and a beautiful color ???2012. 2013, no sign of it.
blue daze ??? 2012. 2013, no sign of it. It is an annual. Replanted 2016. 2017, it's still with me.
Golden dewdrop duranta‘Cuban Gold’ Flor Celeste. Nice mounded shape, pretty yellow.Planted 5/10. Still with us 2012. The purple duranta I planted at the same time astonished me by surviving a near death experience and a savage repotting, and is now rewarding my neglect and unkindness with some lovely lavendar blooms. Note to self: keep trimmed back! 2016, Needs to be planted in batches -- very unimpressive as a single plant. I just got tired of it and yanked it.
asparagus fern
cardboard fern
macho fern
sword fern
flavia, or yellow top (or goldenrod). Disappeared into memory.
society garlic. Next year: no blooms. 2014. Still no blooms. 2017, still no blooms. I think I'll start eating it, it's pretty tasty.
Gloxinia Seemannia sylvatica 'Bolivian Sunset' --- shade and moisture. Blooms in winter. Still creeping along 2016. Bloomed 11/12. Loves to be under the air conditioning drip!
Mexican heather. Maybe time to redo this biannual. Keeps going though. Replanted in 2015 and it survived to 2016. 2017, let's see if it comes back.
kalanchoe. Blooming 2/12
lantana, yellow and a stinky bloomer, new varieted. Just planted my old favorite multicolor in backyard. 2017. Was there ever lantana in the backyard? No sign of it now.
lilies: day lilies yellow in front and peach in the back; beautiful pink rain lilies, which turn up hugging the walls;
agapanthus. sooooo beautiful 2016 got at greenthumb
sunshine mimosa Coming back 2/12 (mild winter.) Front still tired.
ornamental peanut ??? Didn't make it 2012.
porterweed CAN one be rid of blue porterweed?
purple queen Likes the shade. Started a batch in the front yard. 2/12 not exactly taking off.
Sansevieria trifecta (mother-in-law's tongue) haven't made friends with it.
Snake plant (like mother-in-law but with yellow) Started a batch in the front yard. I don't know if it's getting enough sun. Is it a slow grower? It would look so nice and architectural there with the chocolate bugleweed if only it could take off. 2017. It IS a slow grower, but it's having pups now. The chocolate bugleweed is a thing of the past.
Ground cover:
The sunshine mimosa is the envy of all. My daughter thinks they look like a Dr. Seuss plant when they're in bloom, but truthfully, they are not the perfect grown cover. I have great hopes for my new discovery:
chocolate bugleweed. It's accused of being invasive, but c'mon, I've got wedelia on one side and devil grass on the other -- I need something invasive. Bugleweed didn't make it.
Impulse buy: goddust??? mecardonia. lovely small flowers on delicate drooping stems. with any luck it'll grow in the planters for the season. After all, the Madagascar impatiens were gorgeous there for their season. that's all I ask.
Succulents: sedum rupuestre; Echeveria “Metallica”. Stonecrop in front planters.
verbena, purple & white Cut them back -- white is blooming 2/12. verbena is nothing to brag about 2017.
vincas, purple & white
wedelia -- thanks for nothing, Lisa! Monoculture, huh!
varieted arboricola.
bougainvillea, orange & lavender. Something ate the lavender one when I first brought it home from the nursery, but it seems to be coming back. 2010. The lavender is "New River" 2012. Still coming back?
2013: IT CAME BACK!!! It's very gorgeous. 2/2017, I've pruned it, it looks pretty dreadful.
cassia. 2010
eugenia topiary 2013 at front door part sun, watch for winter winds
hibiscus, 1 red, 2011, 2 pink, 2006, 2011, red tree, 2005, and 1 hybrid white, 2009, hanging on for dear life. No, it did not make it. 2013: red hibiscus. Started from a cutting very easily.
Mexican petunia
mermaid rose. 2013. I had Carl kill it. The occasional flowers weren't even traditional puffy roses -- they were five petal affairs hardly worth waiting for.
sea grapes. 2008 and 2009. Hit badly by each freeze. 2012. No freeze, they look great in 2014
thryallis. 2017. Very dependable w. yellow flowers in front.
lemon, ponderosa
pygmy date palms, 3. Planted 2010. 2012 down to two. They're still pygmies.
two orange trees 2008 and 2010. Orange tree in front very sweet
avocado. Bore fruit in 2014. Nothing 2015. Heavily flowering 2016. Sprayed it with weak honey solution in Feb, and it sure attracted the pollinators -- wasps, not bees.
grapefruit 2008. Grapefruit. Fairly good bearing. It's a weany looking little nothing.
oak, 2008. 2017, it's looking like something now.
Christmas palm!!! 2016 Marty wanted a live tree, so we got a palm -- I'd been wanting one so, and it looks great!
bleeding heart
passion vine
sweet potato
hated air potato vine!!!
pink mandevilla 2017