Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Swapped some rainbow flamingos very happily with Carlos Hector Delgado for Schomburgkia Tibicinis


8/22/2020 Propagating silver leaf tea plants. Started five.

I've been swapping; sea grape seedings brought me herbs, and native porterweed went for a ICE CREAM BEAN TREE??? From Lisa Bilz

Hoping the perennial peanut will take off. 

Time for: order vegetable seeds from Baker Seed Heirloom Seed, Lisadia Ganda de Gandia eggplants, purple dragon carrots.  Check it out at http://gardeningsolutions.ifas.ufl.edu/

For inspiration




New plantings:

Plans & Dreams
Zone 1 Kuan Yi garden

Macho fern or Fishtail fern nephrolepsis biserrata and bamboo need weeding/cutting back. Otherwise looks good.

Patio furniture! Plants in pots
Zone 2 Left garden
Remove one of the porterweeds. Cut back everything else
Native porterweed doesn't look good. Fig struggling.
Bare center strip?
Zone 3 Right garden

Keeping that primrose at bay. 

Almost ready for fall flowers!
City strip

Missing butterfly cassia
Zone 4 Palm tree garden

Separate sanseverria and form better shaped bed around palm
Sedum rupestre
Zone 5 Backdoor path,
lemon tree 

 Daylilies bloomed nicely. Variegated sanseverria OK
Coleus. Sedum rupestre

Zone 6 sunny backyard

Maple is struggling. 

Zone 6 Shady
Keep hacking at those little trees
Cardboard fern? Elephant ears, caladium azalea, fine.
Garage mess


So much rain makes me so lazy.  I just stay inside and miss out on the weeding and transplanting and fertilizing.  Resolution: use the early evening. 

Planted some salvia to complete three clumps in the front yard: bush daisies, pink vinca and blue salvia.  

How to Grow Salvia
  1. Add a thin layer of mulch around the plant to retain moisture and control weeds.
  2. Keep soil moist through the growing season.
  3. Remove faded flowers to encourage continuous blooming.
  4. Wait until new growth begins in early spring to remove old stems.
  5. Divide perennial salvias every 3 years.

Used my birthday chainsaw to attack the sea grapes.