Sunday, January 23, 2011




Propagate native porterweed. 
Purchase pink azaleas
Thinking of adding Stachytarpheta Jamaicensis, the native porterweed, on the tree side in the front. Porterweed all around the tree, some dwarf azaleas on the far side, and a large one behind the bench.  has leaves that are a dull green. The leaf margins are coarsely serrated and the teeth are usually pointing toward the tip of the leaf. The leaves are smooth on top, slightly hairy on the underside, no quilt look. 

New Plants:

         White polka dot plant, divided and got three, took cuttings and got three more.  They're doing well now, but then, the weather isn't too hideously hot for them.


Alas! I put all my garden basket into one, or two, nonnative plants and this is what I get:

I still love them, and I'll use them if they bounce back, but I'll remember to cover them in the next chilly weather! They're almost groundcover so it would be easy.

Picture of my beautiful new birdbath, a Christmas gift from Michelle & Cristina (always go shopping with your best friends near Christmas time!)  Not only is it a candid of Evil Cat waiting for an innocent bird, but it shows how lovely my beach sunflower was before Carl trampled all over it.  Nothing there any more really. I'd be sad if I didn't know that the stuff is more resilient than a rubber cockroach.
 No freezes yet, and there's actually been rain. Entry, Jan. 17 MLK


New plantings:

Zone 1 Kuan Yi garden

Pruned back the dead passion flower by the couch. Here’s hoping it gets beautiful again.

Zone 2 Left garden

Really, the yellow arboricola is looking ok, and some of my summer long shots have held on, like angelonia (Note, get more angelonia!) I calculate that I need 175 filler plants for that area, at 1’ apiece.  Maybe I just need bigger plants! Weedate the wedelia, blackened from the freeze.
I do have a new plant! The beach sunflower seed itself into my new doorway planter!
Stuff in ground is OK; try increasing #s.
Zone 3 Right garden

Sure. The sunshine mimosa will “come back.” I hope it’s enjoying its vacation.

City strip

I don’t even look.  The cassia is increasing in size anyway.

Zone 4 Sunflower garden

Looks good.
Birdbath looks wonderfullL!
Beauty berry to put off to the side.
Zone 5 Backdoor strip &
lemon tree & roses

Not as bad as it could be.

Zone 6 sunny backyard

Is not sunny!  Two surprises: Hardy Gloxinia Seemannia sylvatica 'Bolivian Sunset' is spreading and blooming up a storm.  It’s quite a strange shade of red orange, just like the pot in the backyard.  I must establish some in there. And second, the kalanchoe is blooming up a storm. It’s quite gorgeous and I really should propagate it. I should propagate everything!
Hacked at the roses.

Maybe take gorgeous pot and est. some kalanchoe and gloxinia in it – colors would be fab. W/ some purple queen?
Garage mess

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