Friday, May 13, 2011

A Dionysian garden

From Stanley Silverstein:
It is true. Sometimes all it takes is a landmark and the natural gaze of the eye to decide where to plant a flower bed or other plants. I have found the introduction of objects like fences, concrete benches, bird baths and statutes are great starting points for plants. But mine is a different philosophy to some extent relative to where I live. I believe in the Tao of gardening. But even more so my wife Jill does. She lets the plants decide where they want to be.

By contrast, my neighbor's yard  is Apollonian. Form and structure in the way of straight lines and right angles. His palm trees and azalea bushes turn corners like soldiers in a parade. His grass, manicured, soaked with "roundup" greets you at the street.The sound of his lawn mower greets you Sunday morning.
My yard is ruled by the God Dionysus and is not meant to be viewed not from the outside but to be more experienced within. I am not saying my garden is better, but only that we worship at different temples.

Well Stan, if your neighbor soaks his yard with round up and has to mow every Sunday, I'm betting you do think your gardening technique is better. I do.

For those of you curious about what a Dionysian garden looks like:

Barbados Cherry -- I think.

Oleander, with bamboo in the back.

Thanks for sending me these great pictures, Stan!

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